Coleman + Emma
I was so excited to meet these two. They are God-Fearing, active, and just the KINDEST people ever. They even brought me a peppermint chocolate bar during their engagement session as just a thank you! It was the best thing ever and I'll never forget the gesture. Also, a month or two after being booked as their wedding photographer, THEIR SISTER JOINED MY SMALL GROUP. Like, we literally made the connection during the group and my mind was blown. God is so good!
Their wedding day occurred in March 2022 at the Emerge Building in downtown Memphis. We ALMOST had a pretty snow wedding but by the time we got to taking outdoor photos, it had been long since melted - #sadface. But we were blessed with the most beautiful golden sky during their bridal party and bride and groom rooftop photos. It was a 10/10 experience let me tell you.
They are now living their lives as a newly wed couple and loving ever minute of it. I'd like to celebrate their big day with you here - NOW! Check out the cutest photos below! Maybe go as far as to see some of their engagement photos. :) Cheers to the Dixons!!
A Few Engagement Photos
It was an overcast, cool day in late December. They gave me a candy bar to say thank you for coming out and I haven't forgotten that little bit of kindness to this day. Then we ran around Overton Park and the Brooks Musem and took some pretty photos! Here are a few below! :)
The Vendors